Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Cojone" Gap

On this week's Fox News Sunday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said President Obama lacked the cojones to tackle the nation's illegal immigration problem. By comparison, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's, uh, cojones, were more than adequate. I couldn't help but recall the old joke that asked why Golda Meir, or was it Margaret Thatcher, always wore skirts.

I've mentioned this before, but I think that more than half of these Republican women's political appeal can be explained simply by their willingness to fight. The right-wing base is starved for it. And by "it" I don't just mean an unapologetic defense of conservatism, but rather a no-holds-barred offense. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachman's got it, as does South Carolina Gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley. And lest you think this column's only about women, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has it in spades. For a perfect example of just this strategy, read Ann Coulter's column from last week.

Do they risk being labeled by the Left, the so-called champions of women's rights, the word that rhymes with "itch"? You bet. But when did liberal hypocrisy become front-page news?

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